JH would, of course, be John Howard. Last year I was lucky enough to buy a barely used QR tri bike off a friend who absoutely dispised the geometry. Last year I was also luck enough to have Efrat Veidman in town and show me the ropes about this whole cycling bit. She also introduced me to John Howard and convinced me to do a fitting with both my Trek road bike & radical QR TT bike. So, hence, I met JH in Jan of 2007. He did his magic, repositioned just about everything on my road bike (including a dramatic hike in seat height... almost 3 cm!), took one look at the QR and said... "oh, now this is a radical bike" and left it a little more conservative. I can't complain, the bike's done me well.
John first measured key angles and distances. The plumb line from my knee at 3 o'clock position was 5.5 cms fore of the ball of my foot. He hiked the seat up a wee bit and did his thing and went radical with my arm positioning. Not quite the Praying Landis radical, but quite a change. More aero. Better angles. Better access to my core. He re-measured the line from my knee...and voila, now I was only ~1 cm fore.... amazing to thing he didn't really change the position of my seat. By moving my bars up to a better position, it set me back in my seat and gave me a better leg position too.
We re-tested. My average wattage went up by 20 watts... a hot & spicy 379 watt average...
Swing Batta!
(pics from my fitting in Jan of 07 with John & Efrat)
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