Tuesday, December 11, 2007

When did the Olympics become the Pro Championships??

I've always been a fan of the Olympics. Since I was a kid I've had Olympic dreams. I was Olympic bound. I was going to ride that horse right into 5 rings of glory. Then I realized how ungodly expensive the equestrian sport is and came to my senses. Coughing up $25K to get you & your horse to the east coast for your US finals is just the start. To get to the finals will cost you nearly that much. Yeah, that wasn't going to happen! So, I decided I would ride horses for me, and perhaps a few lucky people who have me ride their horses.

Now I'm involved in Triathlon, another sport I love. I certainly don't have 5 ring dreams in Triathlon, in fact, not even in my wildest dreams. Heck, I don't have 5-ring talent in Triathlon! I never will and I certainly don't dream of it either. What it takes to make the Olympics is insane. You have to have rare natural talent & make training your profession. But, aren't the Olympics for Amateurs?

This is where I'm confused. In equestrian sports you need to have an amateur card to compete at amateur status. That means you can't receive ANY compensation for ANYTHING related to your riding for a solid year. I compete at the "Open" or pro level with horses because of this, even though it's not my profession.

I also understand that a country really does want to send it's most talented athletes to represent at the Olympics. That's big business.

But how many athletes at the Olympics are actually Amateurs? Even in the horse world, it's the top sponsored pros who make it to the 5-ring arena. When it comes to triathlon or cycling or whatever - it's the pros who go and compete for their country. I'm not really complaining as I do want my country to clean up and take as many medals as possible... but when did the Olympics turn into just another Pro Championship?

I was just pondering this thought and decided to share a little. I did grow up as a little girl with Olympic dreams, because the Olympics were for everyone, not just the athletes who already made a bundle on their sponsorship contracts...and as much as I hate to say it, the Olympics lost a little luster when I realized that it was just another Pro title to take home...

Oh well.. I'll still be pinned to the TV next summer. There's got to be a real amateur athlete in there... and I'll watch them podium!

In meantime... don't forget to smile when you're ripping your legs off... you're doing it for free :o)

Happy Training,

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